Empowering Aussie kids to thrive

Kids Hope mentoring has impacted over 20,000 Aussie kids since 2004. Our simple and effective model provides social and emotional support to empower children to thrive in school and life.

The numbers speak for themselves

of teachers


say Kids Hope improves the emotional health and wellbeing of children.

of mentors


say Kids Hope helps a child form positive social relationships.

of teachers


would recommend Kids Hope for other students.

Some kids have it tough

Every child needs to be supported and valued. But sometimes life doesn’t work out that way.

  • Jay-Ellen’s parents lost their jobs during Covid and food was very scarce. She now has ongoing anxiety about food.
  • Sam doesn’t speak to anyone—teachers or other kids, since his Mother died.
  • Abdul has recently moved to Australia. At home, things are tense, and when he’s at school, he feels like he doesn’t fit in.
  • Maria’s mum is often unwell, so she needs to shop, cook and keep things going at home. There’s no time to do her homework or be a kid.
You can be their champion!

Kids Hope changes lives

You can be a child’s champion. Imagine the impact when a child realises they matter to you. Through one-to-one mentoring, kids experience love and belonging and in turn find new confidence. Their learning improves, they develop positive relationships and hope for a better future is ignited.
One Mentor. One child. One hour a week. The impact… immeasurable!

Children’s Success Stories

We are so privileged to hear the stories of transformation in children’s lives. Here are a couple.

Alex's story

Alex had been labelled the most difficult boy at school. His home life was full of challenges and dysfunction.

Ryan’s story

Ryan was a 10-year-old boy who, due to trauma and a challenging family situation refused to come to school.

Partner with us and bring hope to kids


Partner with a local primary school by providing volunteer mentors who spend one hour per week at school with a vulnerable child. Make an ongoing difference to kids, and create strong, healthy community connections.


Make the most of a proven, professional mentoring program that empowers at-risk children by developing wellbeing
and academic success. This easy-to-implement program will benefit your whole school community.

What our Partners say

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