Parent Information

As a parent or carer, you may have been approached by your school to consider having your child enrolled in our program. Or you may feel like your child will benefit from one-to-one mentoring.

As part of your school’s wellbeing program, the program aims to develop emotional and social resilience in children, and so enhance their capacity to learn.

Our aim is to empower Aussie kids, like your child, to thrive.

I think it’s a very crucial role that Kids Hope are playing in my kids’ lives. Because I’m of a firm belief that it takes a community to raise a child.

Carolyn, VIC

Why mentoring is so helpful

Kayla, School Kid

More helpful information

Check out these simple facts that will help you feel confident about Kids Hope.

We’re National!

Kids Hope is Australia’s largest, early intervention, school-based mentoring program. Over 20,000 children have been matched with mentors in primary schools all around Australia since 2004.

We’re above board

Our mentors are carefully screened and complete rigorous training before they are able to spend time with your child.

We’re local

The model is built on a partnership between a local school and a local church and adheres to the strict requirements of each state’s Department of Education guidelines.

We’re the real deal

The program has a proven track record. Evaluations were completed by Griffith and Monash Universities. Griffiths concluded, ‘It is valued by parents and, most importantly, it is making a difference to child wellbeing.

Still need more info?

Read our FAQs or download these helpful documents.







Internal evaluation
Mentors and Teachers

External evaluation



External evaluation






Next Step?

You’ve been asked by your school

If you’ve already been asked by your school to enroll your child in our program, please complete and return the Parent Consent Form asap. They can’t move forward without your written consent.

I’d like to have my child mentored

If you think your child would benefit from our program, please get in contact with your child’s school. You can provide them with information about the program here. Ask them to reach out to us. Or, click here to send us an enquiry.

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