The KIDS HOPE AUS board are very glad to announce the appointment of Paul Cameron as the interim KHA CEO. We are very fortunate that Paul has agreed to take on the role during the search for our new KHA CEO. Paul has recently retired from the position of EO for Churches of Christ Vic & Tas, and brings a wealth of experience in the church space as well as in his understanding of the KHA program through his contribution to the KHA board (as part of our MOU with CCVT and CCQ) over the past 18 months.
Paul has a passion to see the churches engage in their local communities and believes KHA provides the perfect opportunity for churches to do that through partnerships with a local primary schools and the mentoring of vulnerable children.
Paul will be supporting staff, managing the day to day operations of the program and will assist in the transition and handover to the new CEO once they are appointed. We welcome Paul to the team and appreciate his willingness to support KHA in this exciting new season ahead.
We ask that you continue to pray for the program, for God’s leading in the appointment of the new CEO and His covering over Paul and the team during this time.
As we reflect especially on the last three years, it is plain to see that the Lord has been very faithful to KHA. It is His program and he continues to bring blessing to all involved. We have heard so many heart felt stories of transformation from children and support by mentors, schools, churches and coordinators, and that has given us the encouragement to stay the course, especially during times of change and challenge.
Lydia, as CEO for KHA during that time, has enjoyed the privilege and honour to serve this ministry and to see how it has matured into an independent, self-sufficient and growing organisation. “It has been wonderful to experience the support of passionate and committed Christians and the KHA team who selflessly live out their faith by serving vulnerable children. I believe my season of leadership as the CEO has been used to establish and consolidate a solid foundation upon which KHA can continue to grow as a significant NFP ministry after being released from under the World Vision umbrella a few years ago.” A growth strategy is now also in place and beginning to bear fruit. It is a new season at KHA, and after much prayerful consideration, Lydia has decided it is now time for a new leader to steward the ministry to the next level of growth.
So, it is with some sadness, but mostly confidence that Lydia has tendered her resignation as CEO of KHA and will conclude her term on 10 May. The KHA Board and Lydia are working closely together to support the important staff team and ministries of KHA in an effective transition that includes the selection and appointment of a new CEO for an expanded ministry. KHA is healthy and in good shape to grow and we share real confidence that God has the future plans and leadership for KHA securely sorted. Together with the KHA board, Lydia shares a passion for the vision and mission of KHA and will continue to support KHA as an advisory partner to ensure the continued success of the program.
The Board express their sincere gratitude to Lydia for a wonderful contribution to KHA during a significant period of change and foundation building for the future. We have commenced the recruitment process for a new CEO and an interim leadership to be in place during the transition. We will continue to provide up-dates to you, our key stakeholders as our plans develop. We ask that you keep the ministry in your prayers at this time so that this servant-based ministry will continue strongly during this important transition.
Thank you all for your passion for KHA, your contribution, encouragement, support and prayers. We believe God has a great future for KHA.