Kids Hope Australia

New CEO Appointment

Three months ago, we wrote to you reflecting on the last three years of growth and change at KHA. We expressed our gratitude to God for his leading of KHA, for the value of the program to disadvantaged children, and for the stories of transformation from children, mentors, coordinators, schools and churches.

We are writing now with a further sense of God’s provision in this significant ministry for our present and our future. Alongside the farewell to our outgoing CEO, Lydia Harb, the Board of KHA began a rigorous search process for a CEO to lead us into the next stages of growth and development, building on the foundations of the past.

It is therefore with a great sense of excitement and expectation that we can now announce that the KHA Board has appointed Gail Cameron as our new CEO.

Gail comes to this role with broad experience in the corporate and faith-based not-for-profit sectors. This has included key roles at executive level for Australian and international compassionate service NFP organisations and leadership of a rapidly growing community care service for a large church in Melbourne, as well as other volunteer and board responsibilities. She has previously participated in growing a community mentoring program nationally, based on a strategy and business model she developed.

Gail describes herself as a “collaborative, coach-style servant leader” who finds “inspiring success in others rewarding”, and is “passionate about developing partnerships, igniting hearts and inspiring action to empower the most vulnerable in our society”. The Board appreciated the way Gail engaged the question “why” regarding KHA: “KHA has a fantastic early intervention model that is accessible, has high impact and is life transforming…a church is a logical platform of equipping a local community to support children in their own area…KHA provides an easy-to-implement program that not only transforms the lives of children but can help churches to serve their local communities”.

Thank you again for your passion for KHA, your contribution, encouragement, support and prayer. The Board has felt all these things during this time of transition. Please join us then in praying for Gail as she concludes her current role, and transitions into this significant new appointment as CEO of KIDS HOPE AUS. Pray too for our small staff team as they welcome her to KHA.

Please note that Gail will commence in the KHA office on 1 August 2018 and will be contactable via the KHA Office from that date.

Kind Regards

On behalf of the Board of KIDS HOPE AUS

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