Every child deserves to have a champion

Two girls and three boys wearing school uniform smiling towards camera

So many children lack the care and support they so desperately need for healthy development – all it takes is one person to show up – one person to say you matter – you matter so much that I’m going to turn up once a week just for you. 

One mentor – one child – one hour a week. Simple, yet incredibly powerful. In fact, it’s life changing. And, the ripple effect goes on to impact classrooms, schools, families and communities.  

Imagine a world with healthy, confident, resilient children. Then imagine a world of adults who have had the privilege of a person who has journeyed with them, encouraged them, and cheered them on through life’s challenges.  

Imagine if each one of us could take responsibility for just one child – one school – one community?

Will you be part of a national solution – bringing hope to children and communities through supporting a school with mentoring? Will you be a champion of hope to a child, school or community?

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