Kids Hope Australia

There’s nothing out there like Kids Hope


Ricky, an 8-year-old boy, was feeling so hopeless that he had prepared a plan to take his own life. The school rang Kids Hope asking if we could find just one more mentor. We did.

The Principal and school staff had grave concerns for Ricky’s mental health and welfare. When his plans were reported to the Education Department’s Child Wellbeing Unit, the contact there was very pleased to learn that Ricky would be mentored. She expressed great support for Kids Hope, admitting, “There is nothing out there like Kids Hope for these types of children.”

Less than a year passed and the school chaplain reported that Ricky was “Going fantastically” and “Thriving.” 

Thanks to the intervention and care of a Kids Hope mentor, Ricky is now hopeful and has gained a sense of purpose for living! And the dramatic change in this little boy has greatly impacted the principal and school staff as well.

The Kids Hope program is simple, effective, powerful and scalable! It brings transformational change and HOPE to children like Ricky through one-to-one mentoring. 

We’re getting in early where others can’t. We’re minimising or preventing harm; we’re protecting little lives, so they won’t need repairing later.

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